David Roy

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Head of BRC
01491 692517


Defra Hill Mark O, Roy D. B., Preston Christopher D. (2005) Appendix 11: Development of environmental indices (Ellenberg-style scores) for British bryophytes. Atmospheric nitrogen pollution impacts on biodiversity: Phase 1 - Model development and testing (CR0289).. , Defra, London ,
JNCC Hill Mark O, Arnold Henry R, Broad G. R., Burton Valerie, James Trevor J., McLean I F. G., Preston Christopher D., Rowland F., Roy D. B. (2005) Biological Records Centre: Report 1999-2004. , JNCC, ,
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Hill Mark O, Preston Christopher D., Roy D. B. (2004) PLANTATT - Attributes of British and Irish Plants: Status, Size, Life History, Geography and Habitats. , Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Huntingdon , 72
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Hill Mark O, Preston Christopher D., Roy D. B. (2004) PLANTATT - Attributes of British and Irish Plants - Spreadsheet. , Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Huntingdon ,
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Hill Mark O, Preston Christopher D., Roy D. B. (2004) PLANTATT - attributes of British and Irish Plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats.. , Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Huntingdon ,
Roy D. B., Rothery Peter, Moss D., Pollard E., Thomas J. A. (2001) Butterfly numbers and weather: predicting historical trends in abundance and the future effects of climate change. Journal of Animal Ecology, , 70, 201-217
Shreeve Tim G., Dennis Roger L. H., Roy D. B., Moss D. (2001) An Ecological Classification of British Butterflies: Ecological Attributes and Biotope Occupancy. Journal of Insect Conservation, , 5, 145-161
Rothery Peter, Roy D. B. (2001) Application of generalized additive models to butterfly transect count data. Journal of Applied Statistics, , 28, 897-909
Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Hill Mark O, Mountford J O., Roy D. B., Bunce R. G. H. (1999) Ellenberg's indicator values for British plants. ECOFACT Volume 2 Technical Annex. , Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 2,