UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme

Taxonomic Group (English)
Taxonomic Group (Scientific)
Lepidoptera: Butterflies
Scheme Organiser
Butterfly Conservation (BC), the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK CEH), the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)
Email Address

Record Cards / Digital Recording Form



Evans Luke Christopher, Melero Yolanda, Schmucki Reto, Boersch-Supan Philipp H., Brotons Lluís, Fontaine Colin, Jiguet Frederic, Kuussaari Mikko, Massimino Dario, Robinson Robert A., Roy David B., Schweiger Oliver, Settele Josef, Stefanescu Constanti, van Turnhout Chris A. M., Oliver Tom Henry (2023) Mechanisms underpinning community stability along a latitudinal gradient: Insights from a niche-based approach. Global Change Biology, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 29, 3271-3284,
Macgregor Callum J., Bunting Jane, Deutz Pauline, Bourn Nigel A.D., Roy David B., Mayes Will M. (2022) Brownfield sites promote biodiversity at a landscape scale. Science of the Total Environment, , 804,
Hordley Lisbeth A., Powney Gary D., Tom Brereton, Gillings Simon, Petchey Owen L, Roy Helen, Tobias Joseph A, James Williams, Oliver Tom H. (2022) Developing a national indicator of functional connectivity. Ecological Indicators, , 136,
Yolanda Melero, C Evans Luke, Kuussaari M., Schmucki R., Stefanescu C., Roy DB, Oliver Tom H. (2022) Local adaptation to climate anomalies relates to species phylogeny. Communications Biology, , 5,
Boyd Robin J., Powney Gary D., Burns Fiona, Danet Alain, Duchenne François, Grainger Matthew J., Jarvis Susan G., Martin Gabrielle, Nilsen Erlend B., Porcher Emmanuelle, Stewart Gavin B., Wilson Oliver J., Pescott Oliver L. (2022) ROBITT: A tool for assessing the risk-of-bias in studies of temporal trends in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, n/a,
Bell Fiona, Botham Marc, Brereton Tom M., Fenton Andy, Hodgson Jenny (2021) Grizzled Skippers stuck in the south: Population-level responses of an early-successional specialist butterfly to climate across its UK range over 40 years. Diversity and Distributions, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 27, 962-972,
Greenwell Matthew P., Botham Marc S., Bruford Michael W., Day John C., Evans Luke C., Gibbs Melanie, Middlebrook Ian, Roy David B., Watts Kevin, Oliver Tom H. (2021) The influence of chalk grasslands on butterfly phenology and ecology. Ecology and Evolution, , 11, 14521-14539
Van Swaay C.A.M., Dennis E.B., Schmucki R., Sevilleja C.G., Aghababyan K., Astrom S., Balalaikins M., Bonelli S., Botham M., Bourn N., Brereton T., Cancela J.P., Carlisle B., Collins S., Dopagne C., Dziekanska I., Escobes R., Fric Faltynek, Feldman R., Fernandez-Garcia J.M., Fontaine B., Goloshchapova S., Gracianteparaluceta A., Harpke A., Harrower C., Heliola J., Khanamirian G., Kolev Z., Komac B., Krenn H., Kuhn E., Lang A., Leopold P., Lysaght L., Maes D., McGowan D., Mestdagh X., Middlebrook I., Monasterio Y., Monteiro E., Munguira M.L., Musche M., Ounap E., Ozden O., Paramo F., Pavlicko A., Petterson L.B., Piqueray J., Prokofev I., Rakosy L., Roth T., Rudisser J., Sasic M., Settele J., Sielezniew M., Stefanescu C., Svitra G., Szabadfalvi A., Teixeira S.M., Tiitsaar A., Tzirkalli E., Verovnik R., Warren M.S., Wynhoff I., Roy D.B. (2020) Butterfly indicators 1990-2018. Technical report. , Butterfly Conservation Europe, Wageningen, The Netherlands ,
Pellissier V., Schmucki R., Pe'er G., Aunins A., Brereton T. M., Brotons L., Carnicer J., Chodkiewicz T., Chylarecki P., del Moral J. C., Escandell V., Evans D., Foppen R., Harpke A., Heliola J., Herrando S., Kuussaari M., Kuhn E., Lehikoinen A., Lindström Å., Moshøj C. M., Musche M., Noble D., Oliver T. H., Reif J., Richard D., Roy D. B., Schweiger O., Settele J., Stefanescu C., Teufelbauer N., Touroult J., Trautmann S., Van Strien A. J., Van Swaay C. A. M., van Turnhout C., Vermouzek Z., Voříšek P., Jiguet F., Julliard R. (2020) Effects of Natura 2000 on nontarget bird and butterfly species based on citizen science data. Conservation Biology, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 34, 666-676,
Sevilleja C.G., Collins S., Warren M.S., Wynhoff I., Van Swaay C.A.M., Dennis E.B., Schmucki R., Azcon J.M. Barea, Bonelli S., Bourn N., Cassar L.F., Crespo J.I. de Arce, Dziekanska I., Fric Faltynek, Kolev Z., Krenn H., Lehner D., Monteiro E., Munguira M.L., Ozden O., Pavlicko A., Pendl M., Rudisser J., Sasic M., Sielezniew M., Settele J., Szabadfalvi A., Teixeira S.M., Tzirkalli E., Roy D.B. (2020) European Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (eBMS): network development. Technical report. , Butterfly Conservation Europe, Wageningen, The Netherlands ,