iRecord Butterflies mobile app
Butterflies are in trouble. A third of UK species are threatened and three-quarters are in decline. Butterfly recording is the foundation for protecting these beautiful creatures. The iRecord Butterflies app helps you to identify the butterflies that you see, but also uses your sightings to help save butterflies.
Sightings will be stored within the “iRecord” website and passed onto the “Butterflies for the New Millennium” national recording scheme run by the charity Butterfly Conservation, with support from the Biological Records Centre. This long-running scheme has gathered millions of butterfly sightings that provide vital information about how the fortunes of butterflies have changed over the decades. Your sightings will be used to understand the causes of decline and to inform conservation work on the ground to help threatened species.
The app is available from Google Play (Android) and the App Store (Apple).
If you would like to record butterflies but don't have a compatible mobile device please visit the iRecord website.