@article{272, author = {Thackeray S. J. and Sparks Tim H. and Frederiksen M. and Burthe S. and Bacon Jim and Bell J. R. and Botham M. S. and Brereton Tom M. and Carvalho L. and Clutton-Brock T.H. and Dawson A. and Edwards M. and Elliott J. M. and Harrington R. and Johns D. and Johns I.D. and Jones J. and Leech D. and Pomeroy P. and Roy D. B. and Scott A. and Smith M. and Smithers R.J. and Winfield I.J. and Wanless S.}, title = {Trophic level imbalances in rates of phenological change for marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments.}, year = {2010}, journal = {Global Change Biology}, month = {2010}, language = {eng}, }